Sunday, March 9, 2025

Miss Annabell/ Reunion

Just listened to the call from last night it was great. Loved Loren trying to sound like Jasmine put a smile on my face. I love this story cause you can feel the love of these people. An they have a deep connection to each other. When I was in school it was nothing like this story. was in the military so still have not been to a reunion. After I did get out though some one from my class mentioned about having one an I think was told no cause the class officers we to busy and basically if they weren’t involved we could not have a class get together. It was suggested we have a unofficial reunion but that went no where. It would be nice to see my former classmates.

12/08/16 short but sweet

live in the moment

don’t succumb to fear

life is precious

Miss Annabelle was strong enough to be present and strong for her students (saying goodbye to her before prison) in spite of all she was going through)

Also, the judge sentenced her to only the minimum. His conscious made him do it. Never underestimate your power to influence. suit up. show up. do the best you can in any moment. that is all that is asked. regardless of the hurdles

learn to let go (from the john-roger/mcwilliams book 101…)

strive for daily improvement – not wait for new year’s resolutions (commentary on end-of-year). but to do so you must change the blueprint / change to program / clear the limiting beliefs

more synchronicity/harmony in my life is that my energy work is about clearing negative beliefs to raise consciousness


Justice is Blind

HBD Jackie (belated). I enjoyed the share, at times character reading. What a wonderful way to re-read Miss Annabelle’s story – which I had been wanting to do. I’m loving a night of the week each devoted to some aspect of TVP world and the literature – baby steps, repetition, community, possibility.

false justice, egos, unearned power/ego, gun-backed justice, subjective justice all bad. Sadly our world.

Justice is blind. objective. we must set aside biases and emotions and stick to the facts.

I like the “higher power”/god man/serendipitous moment when Sue opened the F.R. Wallace literature and was guided to blind justice info. We are always guided if we listen. All information is there and available.

I love being reminded of immutable rights. we all have them! we must return to a world where they are honored. We’ll build it.

lastly, i loved what Sue said align/agree or resist/react. it’s good to be the impartial observer. detached from outcome. more power in that stance to influence either side.

Miss. Annabell,s Story

Good Evening Mark Hamilton and Fellow Members, I Loved your listening to you all Thursday evening. I am sorry for being so late with my Integration. I have good reason but I’m not going into that. You all were great You had me crying overwhelming so. I am sorry I wasn’t able to put who married who, I got confused . so I didn’t put none of them. I especially loved the Neo Think Song. Forgive me I Didn’t get your name. Thank you Beverly

Superpuzzle, chapter 9, pp. 106-114

First of all apologies for the background noise at the start of the call. That was me! This was my first time dialing in, and I didn’t know how to Mute myself. Now, I do. It won’t happen again.

Several things struck me in this passage and the resulting discussion:

1. How important it is to be candid with children — and treat them like people, not children. Preteens and teenagers are particularly responsive to this and usually rise to the occasion when treated with respect and high expectations.

2. I was unfamiliar with the leveraging technique of forced teaming before this call. It’s something I’ll have to learn more about! One must be aware of it when it happens, but it could also be a useful tool to use!

3. Which brings us to the importance to teach critical thinking. That’s what’s at the heart of p. 114: “teaching them to have a mind of their own.” A mind of your own only really matters if you have a clear and critical mind.

Thank you to all who read — and who dialed in!

1000 New Planets New Earths

NASA’s Kepler has FOUND 4000 inhabitable Planets and over 700 New Earths, some of the photos can be seen on line now. I can already imagine they are run with TVP guidelines and a Constitution. 5 Trillion light years away and in space time that is like right next door! Where will you be? Now death is but a shadow we can shed light on, and with the New Age; we don’t. You stagnated, stopped growing, couldn’t get anywhere struggled until you almost gave-up; now you know why you didn’t give-in to failure; we are just learning how big of a Universe we live in. Where you were yesterday has no reflection of where you might be or are going tomorrow in the 5th Dimension. There is no sorrow or anxe, poverty or stupidity, compassionless people or failure; there is peace.


Please keep the reading, I love to hear you read the Miss Annabella story. Everyone bring such wonderful personality to the story, you help bring it to life for me.

do not keep the reading

I want to see the reading go

Sally statement on death

At hearing this part of the superpuzzle for the third time it has giving me the drive to finish up on the work I started some ten years ago on stopping or slowing down ageing. By the means of mapping the bioengery field and reinforcing the energy field. There is a lot more to it but that was the short version,so once again thank you for the inspiring read you added so much energy into it, Thank you.

Integrated Thinkers

This chapter continued from last week is about the students becoming integrated thinkers and thinking for themselves. They were not concerned about what other people thought about them. They were happy, productive value creators. Miss Annabelle points out just how powerful their thoughts are and how they are creating so many values for society as eight and nine year olds. She had achieved her goal and could the results in her twelve salvatore v