Sunday, March 9, 2025

Seeing Beyond The Illusions – Societal Common Denominators

Tonight listening to Miss Annabelle discuss with her children about looking beyond the illusions in the world to their own personal thoughts and ideas about their lives made me consider that today all people have that common denominator that we always overlook.

It seems that we base our ideals about our potential only within the framework options that society sets before us. If we do this then we must believe in these limitations and base our worth and potential accomplishments only within that limited perspective.

I heard that the congress woman recently shot in the head found herself rushing back to her position in order to offer that congressional vote as pertains to the debit ceiling. I thought to myself, How sad that this woman after almost losing her life still sees the strong need for her valuation to come from her title and peers.

I admire her desire to perform her position….it took great strength for her to do this publically. However, her life, HER LIFE….is so valuable. Her person as a beautiful creation of life itself does not need anything but the ability to rejoice in itself and value its worth just for being the individual living being that she is.

We believe a lie when we attempt to FIT OUR POTENTIAL into the framework of others ideas for us. Each of us, when not confining ourselves to external limitations, have the potential to reach unlimitless possibilities.

For the disabled man that spoke, I fully understand the level of integrated compassion that he has for others…. You can never understand a life situation unless you have as it were, “Walked in those shoes.”

When we base our potentials on externals whether that be others opinions of our abilities, or simply subjective mandates, we find ourselves unfullfilled and discontented with life.

When we value ourselves without needed external approval or compromised ideas, we reach deep into ourselves and find the treasure trove of unlimitless happiness and joy – despite whatever external limitations may present themselves around us.

Thank you for this reading….

Getting to the Essence

Sails billowing, a three-masted sailing ship parts the waves as if they were melting butter. All the pieces of the picture puzzle that lets you see this are there except the one that shows the flag the ship is flying, which could be a legitimate maritime flag (friendly or hostile), a plain white flag (perhaps of truce), a flag of an unknown nation, or even the Jolly Roger. One flag is as good as another? Hardly. The essence of that ship and its crew will differ markedly according to which flag the ship is flying. Or suppose at first the ship flies one flag and then suddenly pulls it down and raises another. What change in essence do you see in your mental picture of that ship and its crew. Or suppose the ship flies no flag at all. But you need to ascertain the essence of that ship and its crew. Essence in itself is important, but it is even more important in the overall Neothink puzzle along with fully rationally integrated honesty. Sometimes just one puzzle piece can be decisive.


Seeing through an illusion.Is understanding that are playing with your emotions ex. fear security etc.What you need to do is to interpret what they are saying to you.Then look to see who is really going to benefit from it.

common denominators

I will like to hear further discussion about common denominators. I feel some of us on tonight’s (07/28/11) call were having trouble with that concept.

Mathematically the example would like this

three fourths (3/4) of the pie plus
one half (1/2) of the pie equals five fourths of a pie which is more than one whole pie.

the common denominator is one fourth (1/4) and that integration makes the solution pop out at you.

Can anybody put up an example of a common denominator in another part of the real world? say Art, Entertainment, or Science?

Can anyone put up an example of a common denominator found in neocheating, such as in career politics, theologies, or other authoritarian rule makers?

I would like to hear from everybody on these puzzle piece identifications, because I am kinda new here.


Hello this is Kay Chinn of Seattle. I am enjoying the audio of the calls, as I am not able to make the live calls. I am an integrator and love to collaborate with all in respects to sharing information on how to grow. Thank you for your time and help in each of our lives. As I am able to join you for live calls, I will do so, and will integrate even further.

Much love as we go forward into this new world of ours

(Intigrating Factors) For tonight’s intigrations

Hello dear Daren Raskin and Jacqui Browne:

This is Mark Escarcega it’s 7:20 P.M. (07-21-20ll). Those Children of Miss Annabelle’s class, were greatly inspired to get their homework done and get to class on time. They also came to class with big smiles on their little faces.

Both You Daren and Jacqui, have done an excellent job of reading and storytelling. You both bring the stories to life for us. Due to you excellent work with us. I dearly hope that some if not all of us will be inspired to be as those Children and get all are work done, as much as we can possibly inspire ourselves to do.

When you think about it. We truly have reason enought to put forth our greatest of efforts. Due to the fact that we are in the arena to create the most beautiful life for ourselves and other and also create such great financial blessing for all of us to benifit from.

Our teachers are very excellent and willing to help us all they can. These are two extremely valuabe gifts for us to grasp. I’m hoping that we are able to perform such valuable assets for ourselves and the world we share with others, and all the Univeres around us.

Note: We should all probably realize that being meen and unkind in the comunities, doesn’t work for creating a beautiful C. of U. life here on earth. (What it shows us is that there’s something wrong with someone and we need to doo what we can, to help or get out of the anti-civilizations way, we want nothing to do with sickness like that, it destroys life.

Thank’s very much again, Daren Raskin and Jacqui Brown, dearest Mark Hamilton, Families, Elders, Brothers and Systers and are great Friends.

Yours Truly; Mr. Mrs. Markandsusan EscarcegaStrain or MarkandSusan14 or Mark Escarcega

Ms Annabelle

Life doesn`t offer much…It`s questionable if life exists outside WOBURN,MASSACHUSETTS…

The Criminal Mind

When thoughts pop in your head leaving you with the idea you are owed a living, you need to be very careful. We learned in the past couple weeks during the Thursday calls how there are many things that fit into the “criminal mind”. On top of that, when someone goes through life with the criminal mind, they miss out on the biggest happiness and thrills of life.

Of course, we all recognize the criminal who steals from a store or robs a house, etc. But do we recognize the politician that wants to tax (steal from) the successful, or the person in the projects living on government subsidies, or the middle class family who seeks government assistance to pay for their child’s college even though they can afford it, or the multi-millionaire bankers who accepted trillions in bailout money. There are so many examples we don’t even think about. But whenever someone seeks something for nothing, it might be the criminal mind sneaking in.

BUT WHAT IS THE WORST PART ABOUT THE CRIMINAL MIND? Is it the damage it causes on their “victims”? NO! Even though the effect on the victims are bad, it is not the worst part. The most damaging aspect of the criminal mind is what it does to the “criminal”. The criminal mind prevents the user from enjoying the greatest thrills and happiness in life. Those bigger than life experiences we all remember as kids–your first time in a big stadium, first time at Disneyland, etc. As an adult, you can get those kinds of experiences back through VALUE CREATION.

Do you want to live the LIFE YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE? A life of thrills! A life of incredible happiness! If you want everything you deserve, learn what’s in the Neothink Society, the Prime Literature and apply it to your life!

Miss Annabelle and Students:

Hello again, Daren Raskin, Jacqui Browne also Mark Hamilton and all families and friends:

What I really am head over hill’s about, is the fact that Miss Annabelle never made wise crack comments to her students because they didn’t understand everthing.

Each Student did have a set of problems. But Miss Annabells always found the way to give them help and support to get out of each problem. She never gave them any wise crack remarks about any of them, just gosiping to other class members around them, or teachers that may have visited them. What a hero Miss Annabelle was.

I once had a teacher just like Miss Annabelle. But only for one summertime class, where as a child I had to catch up to the student class level. Then she taught one of my regualr smemster classes one time. Her name was (Miss Cornel) I never saw her again but I still do love her very much, she always worms my heart when I think of her.

Now, I remember another Teacher that taught the Miss Annabells way. But I don’t remember his name. I only had that teacher for one short class. That was in Junor High School. That teacher asked me if I wanted to be called a nick name. I said yes to him, so from the beginning of class till the end he called me my favorit name at the time, which was Sam.

As far as I could ever tell, every other teacher had a problem. I now can pin point that problem they all had, It’s called: (Black Neocheeters Fear.)
(Fear hits people like a unimaginable iron gripping pleage.) When they have that (Black Neocheeters Fear,) What they will do is spend their life doing every imaginable and unimaginable evil to get away with destroying a beautiful life. And this world has taken that level of mantality, to the highest levels of intellegence on this earth.

So, Thanks to Mark Hamilton, we have found the cure to such an evil pleage. As we cling to the Neothink Society of Secrets, The Neothink way of using Fully Interated Honesty and the conscious mind, we can and will stop the pleage of an evil world. All we need to do is cling to the Neothink world of the C. of U. God bless all of us heros, for we are the most blessed people in every way on earth, a-God-men with us, a-men.

Thank you so very much. Yours Truly, MarkandSusan14 or (Mark Escarcega)

Very Interesting

This evenings call was very interesting. I really liked the fact that Miss Annabell really stuck up for herself. She is obviously a very strong lady that the school board really under estimated.