Sunday, March 9, 2025


Thank you all for a very touching call tonight. It was great to hear all the personal expressions of love being shared. It reminds me of the vision I received of the C of U. LOVE! LOVE EVERYWHERE! JOY! JOY EVERYWHERE! PEACE! PEACE EVERYWHERE! VALUE! VALUE EVERYWHERE! A SUPER SOCIETY FILLED WITH UNITY! THANK YOU ALL!

Health vs. Disease

Hello everyone. Thank you for an enlightening call tonight. I enjoyed you all so much. The first thing that comes to my mind is before the broadcast began tonight, all of you were laughing and having a lot of FUN! You were all thinking positive thoughts! The laughter was infectious which brings me to my next thought. One of the healthiest things you can do to encourage a healthy body is to have positive thoughts. Laugh, have fun, or even be silly. When you are in a room with someone who is negative you feel it very strongly. It negatively effects you. When you are negative in your own mind it also negatively effects you. If you want to change your life completely change your mind. Think back to when you were a child. Back before you were taught to be negative. Before you were taught not to be your true self. Before you were infected by the AC world’s infectious negative thinking. The AC world loves to inflict fear, worries, distress, and troubles into your mind. The more they infect you the harder it is for you to find your true self. I understand that we all have negative things that we have to deal with. The problem lies when you get stuck there. Don’t live there. Schedule the minimum amount of time possible to spend on those activities. Then like hanging your hat up at the end of the day after work. Cancel, clear, delete, and move on to the next spot in your miniday. Every cell in your body will thank you for not wasting your precious energy on negativity. Your brain sends signals to every cell in your body. Your cells listen and absorb whatever you send them. I do not say this lightly. It takes practice to retrain your habits. Practice Happiness. Begin by releasing the negative and focusing on the positive. It is your will power that will empower you. Your thoughts are the compass. Decide for yourself do you want the will power to lead you to immortality, or do you want to die? It is your choice. No one can make the choice for you. Mark Hamilton has brought you all the tools you need to bring every true hearts desire to light. The knowledge is there. Believe in yourself. Want it for yourself. Do it for yourself. You are worth it. You can do it. Thank you all, Tina Levesque

Thank You Mark Hamilton

Many thanks to the panel for a great call. Thank you to Mark Hamilton for the steps you proceeded with to bring this amazing Miss Annabelle story to those in need of awakening. The story of Miss Annabelle and her passion in training up children to take charge of their minds to create the life they want to live is one many of us can relate to. An exceptional example of how to think for ourselves leaving the bicameral mind prison behind and embracing being the creator of our own realities. I can think of no greater gift than to assist others in opening their consciousness.

Poem: by Guillaume Apollinaire
Come to the edge. We can’t. We’re afraid.
Come to the edge. We can’t. We will fall!
Come to the edge. And they came.
And he pushed them. And they flew.

Mark Hamilton, Neothink, Miss Annabelle, and Mentors are all pushing the illusion away for all to fly into the life they were meant to live.
Thank you all. Great Call! Tina L.


My condolences to Loren and his family in the loss of your precious mother.

Seeing through the illusions

Thank you all for your call tonight. I especially appreciate the concept of seeing through the illusions. Illusions are surrounding us more and more each day. I like Loren’s comments on being careful when deciphering through them. So many things today come with the illusion that they are good for us. I think it is safe to say that if you don’t recognize an ingredient in any product, this should be a red flag to question the ingredient. Rolland mentioned that shaving cream has a warning label do not eat. This should send off red flags as to why one shouldn’t eat shaving cream? This brought to my mind a post I have seen circulating on the internet about a recipe for decorating Easter eggs mixing shaving cream with food coloring. The pictures look very decorative. The trouble is that many people decorate Easter eggs with the intention of eating them at some point. I’m sure the person who is circulating this recipe had good intentions. I’m also sure that many people eat decorated Easter eggs without giving any thought to whether or not they were prepared safely. The illusions are everywhere and I thank you all for sharing this reminder for consumer’s to beware. Thank you~from Maine

Thursday 3/20/14 Preparedness topic

Hello Neothink members. I was listening to the Thursday call and I had raised my hand to comment, but unfortunately my signal on my phone cut out. Anyhow, I enjoyed the call very much. Thank you to all who shared information. I have been practicing preparedness for several years. I wanted to share a few ideas that have been key for me in my own home storage experience. First of all, I recommend that you do not wait for disaster to strike. Disaster can come in many forms. Sickness, injury, health, economy,weather,and global events. Begin today, this week, or this month. Depending on your financial circumstance and flow, large or small commitments to beginning storage are all helpful. Given substance to needs versus desires, and usage.
Second, once you know where your needs are in regards to what you need and use most. For example, look at what you spend money on regularly that taxes your budget such as water,food,and household items. Begin by taking 5$,10$,20$, and buy extra items to have on hand. You will be amazed at how quickly the items will add up in weeks, months, or years.
Third,Think about if you have unexpected financial things like sick days, injuries,job cut backs, job loss, family leaves, medical leaves,repairs, and such that arise. The items that you would normally spend a great deal of your regular income on will already be in your storage so you will not have to be without, or choose this over that. Fourth, take advantage of sale items that are easy to store.
Fifth, buy items that you use so that you can utilize the storage items.Sixth, the other thing that has been crucial for me in times of need is that I take my income tax return and pay for things I know that I would have to pay normally. In doing so I have gained savings from paying all at once versus in payments. For example, I pay my vehicle insurance in total once a year. Think about it. It seems safe to make the monthly or quarterly payments for many, but how often do those payments seem difficult to make when a repair crops up when your payment is due.It can lead to choosing between. It can lead to late fees, or cancellations and credit issues.It can lead to not having money for food, gas, medicine, and what have you. When you begin applying these principles of preparation, storage, and savings you’ll benefit in so many ways.
Many folks where mentioning water. A lot of people buy 55 gallon jugs or the new oil tanks are made of material that can be used to store water supplies.
Many bartering items were suggested as well. Salt,Pepper,Spices, Cooking Oils,Coffee,Oil lamps, and lamp oil are also very good bartering supplies. They do not cost a fortune and are easy to store. If anyone would like to talk further on storage and preparedness feel free to contact me. Thank you all for sharing ideas. Tina Levesque


This chapter continued from last week is about the students becoming integrated thinkers and thinking for themselves. They were not concerned about what other people thought about them. They were happy, productive value creators. Miss Annabelle points out just how powerful their thoughts are and how they are creating so many values for society as eight and nine year olds. She had achieved her goal and could the results in her twelve students.

I See a Universal Civilization as One of Confidence

I See a Universal Civilization as One of Confidence

Let me explain, I spent the day today with a young man in his early
twenties. We were talking about the appearance of confidence in
Individuals, what confidence looks like when an individual appears
confident in life.

So I asked him, “When you first met me did I appear confident to you?”
He said well, after I got to know you I realized what a strong and well rounded
Person you are. So I replied, so I didn’t appear to you as confident from
My outward appearance when we first met.

He said maybe if you dressed in a way that showed your assets more. To which
I replied, “So I need to look sexier as a woman?” Well he said, I’m just
saying that your outward appearance has a lot to do with resembling confidence.

So I said to him, confidence is an internal perception, it is expressed through a belief in oneself, a belief that they hold too and are convinced in their personal directions in life. With these convictions they move forward in life representing their personal belief regardless as to whether their ideals and beliefs conform to a perceptual social norm.

Today, people base so much on outward appearances that they conform their look, their own personal perception of who they are and what they are representing to a generalized standard of what they feel is acceptable, and they do this for acceptance so that they can feel confident – this is not the creation of real individual and personal confidence.

So I asked, “When you adorn your outward self with the decorations of worldly confidence, does that make you a confident person?”

Yes, to a degree it does in that you feel good about who you are. However, that feeling in this instance is based on something that is put on and not something that dwells within an individual.

Confidence is strength and belief in ones ability to be themselves and to see the areas of their lives that offer opportunity for betterment. To then have the courage to represent that belief through their individuality, regardless of whether they reach acceptance or not.

When this is the vision an individual holds for themselves, then they naturally are drawn by their belief in that vision of who they are, and will become. They firmly realize the confidence that builds character offers the opportunity to create a tangible reality of individual self expression in their lives through those things that they create in life as individuals.

Therefore, in a world or civilization of peoples, wherever they may be, there
is a universal understanding and appreciation of the life generating potential within all beings as individuals. With that knowledge, people are, and will become free to be themselves, to express themselves and their potentials without fear of rejection – The are living a Confident Life.

And in a civilization where all have attained this individual inner confidence, this appreciation for the individual becomes a resulting expression of love for all and between all. Love unifies all; and, respect for all tears down the outward illusions so that all dwell in the greatest confidences of all, a Loving Acceptance of All with out mandated conformity. This is a doorway to freedom and individual liberation.

The Individual is Born and Appreciated by All.

Miss Annabelle

I want everyone to know that I am well aware now just how much I have grown. I now know that I can be happy. I know that the journey is the most rewarding part. Each step in the journey is one more step forward and as long as you continue to push through the obstacles even if you don’t that it is working, IT REALLY IS! I cannot emphasize enough just how valuable these mentor calls really are. All of this is well planned and well thought out. This is the COMPLETE PACKAGE! There are all kinds of programs that exist to do and help everyone to grow and create values. This is NOTHING ELSE LIKE IT! Being an active member is the best thing that I decided to do. The $30 dollars a month is nothing for what you receive, you can buy a small cup of coffee and then it’s gone. The $30 dollars a month is so reasonable and the rewards are UNLIMITED! You can only go forward and grow and grow. Thank you for everything.


Miss Annabelle listened attentively to Al Patterson’s idea for a paper and encouraged all her students to think about what they wanted to do even as children in school. She never discouraged her students’ ideas. The daughter that told her mother about how her father truly cared about his building custom houses and how much it meant to him. She encouraged her mother to show interest in his career.
As a child, she was able to see that it meant a lot to her father that his work
was his FNE. She was able to get her mother to show her father how much it meant to him that she shared his love of
his FNE was for himself, her mother, and his and daughter. This chapter has so
much information and can teach us all how it works even in the AC.