Sunday, March 9, 2025

Miss Annabelle

I remember growing up and constantly eating garden fresh food. We did eat some meat, but we always had a balanced diet. Having grown up on fresh food, I learned to be very careful about the food that I bought from the grocery store. We as a whole, Americans have had our daily regimen of food slowly becoming worse and worse. The FDA, of course does not care about the American people because they want to keep us sick. Having had fresh food all my childhood, I learned that all this other processed food really is awful and should not even be allowed on the store shelves. The food that is good for you costs more than the bad food which is mostly processed with preservatives and just not good for anyone. Here in the United States, obesity is a real problem for both children and adults. Another example of just how our government just does not care. We really have to be diligent about everything we eat.


In listening to tonight’s call, I saw just how destructive the behavior of Mr. Hammerschmidt is. It is very obvious to me that he has no moral compass at all. He cannot seem to stop himself in any way. It is very easy to see a very damaged person emotionally. There are two ways to be in life after bad things have happened to people. It is, however, very clear to me that the majority of people follow the wrong path. I can understand this because I have been there myself. Having to choose the right way to react is the hard road. Most people, if not all, have to really think about the past and all it entails. Being able to face that past and move forward is a lot harder than it looks. Facing the pain and learning more about another person’s past helps a person to move beyond it and to forgive in some cases, but not all cases. Tonight’s call was one of the exceptions to that rule. The desire to control another person through any means available is something that is a part of the AC. This call forces people to really think about many aspects about people good and bad and to learn from it. Hopefully, we can all learn. This call also shows how if not stopped, some people will continue down the wrong path and choose careers (especially politicans), which allow for this type of behavior to continue and get worse.

School Board Meeting

This particular chapter shows just how low people will go to get their way. The willingness to destroy another person’s life for the purpose of political gain is shameful. Taking things out of context and saying something out of suppostition just to discredit Miss Annabelle is a back-handed tactic that should have been recognized and wasn’t recognized shows me the unwillingness and\or inability to see life through honesty.

Miss Annabelle Superpuzzle

As I was listening, I realized how no one wants to think for themselves. They are not looking at the whole story. Miss Annabelle hugging her students shows a level of trust that none of the other teachers had. Their inability to be as good or as great a teacher as Miss Annabelle. I wonder if the other teachers felt towards Miss Annabelle as did Miss Minner. The fact that her students scored better than all the other students even in the sixth grade did not score as well as her students tells me that other teachers might have felt that way towards Miss Annabelle and would not say. People today are so afraid to stand up for what they believe in to the point of giving up any morals and values to simply just be accepted by everyone else. Miss Annabelle’s students were learning at an early age to do just that.

Miss Annabella

I have to say that this situation is happening all too often. People who stand out and do good for others are exposing the ones who only care about advancement of their own agendas and have to destroy anything good. What they do not understand is that they are hurting themselves as well as everyone else. The effect Miss Annabella has on her students is clear. They know the honesty of their teacher. Since Mr. Hammerschmidt has no real value in life, he has to take from others. His attempt to destroy good around him is only seen by a few people who know that the other people at the school will not be able to see it. There are value destroyers all around us and we need to be vigilant and ready to stand for what we believe in and not waiver.

Telephone Woes

I tried three different phones. I’m glad I read the chapter. I regret not being able to hear clearly Ron and Doug’s integrations. Phones were very choppy. Almost headache choppy.

Thursday Call

I was moved by tonight’s call because of the members who do raise their hands are regulars and occasionally a new member will speak up. I think I will one day when I have the FNE to speak of my dealerships from two companies and master my advertising as an affiliate. But for the time being, Learn, Learn, and did I mention learn?
Thank You so much;

Where Is Your Moral GPS?

I have heard winners don’t give up and quit even if they think they have failed. I know that closures, cloaked as failures always become pathways leading into a new direction. Listen to Oprah speak on this topic at YALE.


Jaqui & Sue great presention. Daniel’s
presidential campaign. His platform was to depoliticize America.He also honed on the Neothink Visions.
I believe we are at a point in our lives that we should actulize living in the Twelve Visions World.

when you wrong then youll be right

In life lessons is really important to realize that we really never know everything and we really ever learn all of our lessons so always look very forward to figuring out your wrong,usually when you learn a lesson is when you figure something out like wow boy i was wrong so look forward to being wrong cause when you find out that you wrong then youll be right.