Sunday, March 9, 2025

I am a man of great appreaction

I am a man of great appreaction and I am greatful for this super heroic
woman Miss Annabell. She is a woman with great patience, who fought for her/12 little innocent, intelegent children life.

I am very thankful for this woman
who could have been doing anything else with her life. But she was a woman who had broken through to enlightment of the myth that was put here by the Elite
group of peoples.

Miss Annabell showed 12 young interesting children that they was the truth, the light, and a way. The children eventually grew and became successfully. But from the abuse they suffered as childen they wanted to make a diffrence in tnis world.

As children they knew what they wanted. They waited with great patients to present and bring the C of U to this world that is now called the anti-

I am thankful that this woman suffering brought about knowledge that
forced her mind to break through. Miss Annabell saw from the potentional in the 12 student that they were the ones
to make a diffrence. The 12 children became the twelve vision of the world, for the world.

With this knowledge I posess, Ito can now increase ability to help change the world. Thank you Miss Annabell.


Mark Eacarcega Hello friends: (My Comment-Integration)

Hello friends:

All I can say in my grueling burnt out state is:

Let’s put one foot in front of the other and keep going and work with all America. To build a safe and beautiful world for all of us, under God as it started out to be and as it grew too the Strongest nation on earth for God sake and ours and as it can be the leading Edge for All The World, as it works to become for a most beautiful and safe world for all humanity and civilization, an advancing civilization on earth.

Mark Escarcega, Hello Dear Friends: ( My Comment-Integrations, Thank you.)

Hello Friends:

All I can say in my grueling burnt out state is:
Let’s put one foot in front of the other and keep going and work with all America. To build a safe and beautiful world for all of us, under God as it started out to be and as it grew too the Strongest Nation on Earth for God sake and ours and as it can be the leading Edge for All The World, as it works to become for a Most Beautiful and safe world for all Humanity and Civilization, an advancing Civilization on Earth.

Good Night Dear Friends From:
Mark Escarcega

Passion for Your Business

The mentors had it bulls eye tonight. You have to withstand all the government, other persons’ complications, and your own reticence to make your dream, business or otherwise, come true. I’m still learning to do that and hope that I do it well enough and soon enough. The signal light has turned green. I need to go past it. Avanti!

Resolve to put an end to neo-cheating

Hey,Jackie very nice reading.I just want to say how Mr hamilton open my eyes with this story of Miss Annabelle she was so courages like a lot of value creator,geanios of society who been stop by politicians.Jackie ive have question all this information that Mr. Hamilton have wrote and i find it more an more accurate day by day.This story of miss Annabelle is back up by a lot of true life experiences that even today or everyday keep happening.Is just like Miss Annabelle says they are worser then women beater they are murders.And i want to thank your the Warriors for what you doing, im learning so mush from this lessons and the great comments the neothinkers are making iam resolve in my heart to put an end to this neo-cheating.PEACE & LOVE

Staging Illusions

Stage Illusionists present false wonders for entertainment. Others, such as politicians present their *illusions* as uncontestable reality in order to garner votes, be repeatedly re-elected, and so to rule by expropriating the values created and produced by those who do what they cannot. We live by fully integrated honesty; they, by contrast, survive by fully integrated dishonesty. The more people know this, the less they will be able to do so.

Mark E. My Integration ( Fallowing Our Dreams Come Ture As Miss Annabelle’s Children did)

Hello Dearest Mark Hamilton, Daren Rasken, Jaquie Browne, Families and All Friends and are Pets:

This is Mark Escarcega, 9/1/2011. The time is about 8:15 P.M. PST. Just want to say there’s so much a person can do with all the Mentor Meetings and everthing else on the Neothink Web Site’s. A very fast person can do a lot to support and help all of us.

What I feel I need to do is just listen and participate with the Mentor trainings. I still have to finish up some of the previous trainings because I started June 6th and missed one extra lession so far and I need to read alot. My plan is to start with a full year of this Mentor Training and do the best I can, staying focused on doing an excellent job.

When I finish, I should be able to continue with living all my dreams come true without to much of a overwellming problem.
Let me say, when you lived all your dreams come ture, that’s not the end, you do not start dieing. All you do is continue, keep building and re-building, forever.

You end up with such great treasures in your heart and mind that you want to scream out to the world, go this way please and you will be promised eternal most beautiful, love and life in every way that grows and never dies. !Ho, I have to remember, we each have our own way to Eternal life, Love, Happiness, peace, It’s deep in each of our hearts.

I just hope and pray we all find it as I have. Once we all do find that path, all our lives should be much more safer and better off on this Earth, for all peoples.(This is how I define all my dreams come true) When you find your Kingdome of heaven here on earth as it is in heaven, Your Bliss, Your paradice, Your Garden of eden, All your dreams come ture. In heaven and on earth or should I say in the Conscious Cosmos and on Earth. Anyway it will be at both places at the same time.

Come on now I have lived that life, so I know all of you can too. (I’m not so smart or sophisticiated yet I created all my dreams come ture for most of my life.) I barely have a few college credits and worked a lot more then I went to school, yet I live them all come true. Desaster struck my life but I never asked for it, I never wanted it, so I just won’t except what evil thinks it got away with.

My duty is just to heal it, I didn’t committe the a deadly evil acts, so I should not be the one who has too be made responsible. I’m only responsible for making sure the monsters don’t get away with it and it is my responsibility to not allow the evil to continue. So I just keep seeking healing.

But that’s all are responsibility in all our lives, too not allow evil to continue harmming our lives. God bless all of you as you Mentors and Students continue to teach me in these Mentor Meetings. May your God-men lead you and guide you always too grow into the C. of U. World.
Live your dreams come ture in your hearts and minds and bring them all out so we can all enjoy them with you.

We love you and thank you for helping to build a most beautiful world for all of us together.
Yours truly;
Mr. Mrs. Mark and Susan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Seeing Through Illusions to Essences

Seeing through illusions to essences is made as hard as it can by the Anticivilization in order to keep and gain still more power. Those who do see will be marginalized, restricted, ridiculed, punished, or even ignored. Neocheaters shudder inwardly in the presence of fully integrated honesty. Having no honesty, they use any means available to them. Thankfully, Neothink honesty can tear their matrix to shreds.

My Integration (Madom Presedent Jill R. Was Absolutly Right)

Hello dearest Mark Hamilton, Daren Raskin and Jacqui Browne, Families and all Friends and are pets:

This is Mark Escarcega Again, Thursday 8/25/2011. Madom Jill Reed, said that most old people want to die. They want to leave us, and do you know why? Because they see that the whole of civilization here on earth is extreamely imature and brutal. They see the worlds people trying to save themselves by trying to prove how much better they are then their other people, how much better one group is then the other, how much one family is better then the other, how much one brother is better then the other, how much better these family members are then the others; all in one way or the other, in the name of being very good and civilized people too save the world and their lives.

The problems is that when they get hungry for purest power, they always end up with a sort-of-speak Bucher knife in there hands to prove it, against someone else or some other group, or some other nation, or the world. We or anyone else cannot do that and expect to servive it. That cannot work, we only think it dose, until we all find out that it cannot work.

There’s only one way to save us, and bring us all into the C. of U. World. (WE HAVE TO PUT THE DAM PUCHER KINFE AWAY FOR GOOD, THAT WILL NEVER DO IT FOR US OR ANY OTHER PEOPLE SEEKING TO ENTER A C. OF U. WORLD.) We who are seeking to live in a C. of U. World, must consider are neighbor, are family member, are other nations or other peoples, as being ill if they are going in the opposit direction of healing for all.

We have absolutly no choise in this matter. We have to consider them as being slightly sick, ill or very sick with a disease. We have to forgive all that comes from that disease, and work together to heal all woons, sicknesses and diseases. We do not look for a fight, in hopes to win with a sort-of-speak bucher knife until we kill the ill person or persons, that is not healing human life, that’s murder.

No person on this Earth should be killed when a advanced civilization knows that they are just sick or diseased. We can all work around the sickness or disease until we can heal it by growing/developing the remodies and cures, not by forcing it, or ever being too pushy about it. The faster we bunce together and work around a disease to heal and cure it, the faster it get’s done.

So as we live our lives too live as we were all meant to live, with pure love, happiness, peace and all the desires of our hearts, I am sure we will all make it happen as we work and grow together with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink World. But It will only happen when we put away the Dam killing Bucher Knife for a remady to cure sicknes and diseases. (WE ONLY WORK TO HEAL, PROTECT AND SAVE LIVES. WE DON’T CAHLLEGAN OR FIGHT. WE WORK TOGETHER TOO HEAL BY GROWING/DEVELOPING REMODIES AND CURES, THAT ALL.) When we fight and take up a sort-of-speak bucher knife to win, we loose; that’s It, and it will always be that way.

Yours Truly; Mr. MarkandSusan Escarcega or Mr. Mark Escarcega

Sally and My Late Wife

Miss Annabelle’s student Sally and my late wife had something in common. Her mother had cancer, and my late wife Bonnie died of all the complications of diabetes and of twelve agonizing years on dialysis. Neither one needed to die. If the medical industry had been free of government interference and regulation,
mother would have “lived,” and Bonnie would have lived. Maybe *free* medicine can learn to cure all disease and even to bring back those who have died.