Sunday, February 23, 2025

The Criminal Mind

When thoughts pop in your head leaving you with the idea you are owed a living, you need to be very careful. We learned in the past couple weeks during the Thursday calls how there are many things that fit into the “criminal mind”. On top of that, when someone goes through life with the criminal mind, they miss out on the biggest happiness and thrills of life.

Of course, we all recognize the criminal who steals from a store or robs a house, etc. But do we recognize the politician that wants to tax (steal from) the successful, or the person in the projects living on government subsidies, or the middle class family who seeks government assistance to pay for their child’s college even though they can afford it, or the multi-millionaire bankers who accepted trillions in bailout money. There are so many examples we don’t even think about. But whenever someone seeks something for nothing, it might be the criminal mind sneaking in.

BUT WHAT IS THE WORST PART ABOUT THE CRIMINAL MIND? Is it the damage it causes on their “victims”? NO! Even though the effect on the victims are bad, it is not the worst part. The most damaging aspect of the criminal mind is what it does to the “criminal”. The criminal mind prevents the user from enjoying the greatest thrills and happiness in life. Those bigger than life experiences we all remember as kids–your first time in a big stadium, first time at Disneyland, etc. As an adult, you can get those kinds of experiences back through VALUE CREATION.

Do you want to live the LIFE YOU WERE MEANT TO LIVE? A life of thrills! A life of incredible happiness! If you want everything you deserve, learn what’s in the Neothink Society, the Prime Literature and apply it to your life!