Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Pole Shifting Stigmatisms of Thought

Tonight I listened to people talking about how education limits the educated. I heard talk of how NT Children are different and don’t fit in. How its O.K. to be different, and so it is….

However, I think it is important to understand that we are not NT Members of isolation only to share values within the Society.

We should realize that in order to become value creators in society we must not stigmatize the outside world. You cannot reach out to someone for whom you are too critical of.

It is difficult to help someone see a larger perspective when they perceive that we are scrutinizing them from a minde set they have no knowledge of.

Most people in the world are following just as we were; unaware that we were being suppressed. Trapped in a life long mentality of exclusiveness to the things we were taught to believe. We formulated our life styles and our professions in the limited mindset of the world around us and the curriculm that it created for us.

In education today the educator is also the victim of this illusional misconception. They have been taught to teach within the framework of the speciality they are instructing, and to use only those resources of(Curriculum)for higher education that are allotted in their specific area of education.

This limits the choices of the students as they must follow the curriculumn in order to achieve course completion. Those electives are offered, they are only offered within a framework that also restricts. This happens when you are presented with the Electives List.

Those same students,(whom we have empathy for as we lash out at a failed system) are the educators of today. They WERE the helpless children.

Can we hope to reach out and bring them in if in our rationality we condemn them in their misgivings at having to struggle through the same system for which we did and now rebel?

When we project this on our children concerning a negative viewpoint of societal mentality, I believe we are setting them up for social scruitiny and social rejection.

Integration is just that… We live our lives integrated e.g. incorporating Neothink,a wholesome wide scope accounting into all areas of life in order to produce the best outcome both for ourselves, and also for others through the resulting value creations that are shared within the community and for the love of life development for the human society as a whole.

Therefore, It would be better to explain to the children that they are approaching their personal ability to achieve a God-Like Mentality that will inturn, and through their independent confidence, be revealed to their peer group.

That this will make them an example of right thought, right living, and right perspectives to their peers so that their difference of perspective is well received and not rejected.

We cannot expect to receive acceptance in our new way of thinking if through our critical perspective of those less fortunate, those that have not received Mark Hamilton’s teachings – we close off the world around us.

So I would just say, it is O.K. to be in the world but not actually part of it. But better is it to be in the world as an example of fully integrated love in honesty.