Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Old fashion “Piggybacking” – meets BA/Clubhouse…

In the business community, there as old fashion term called “piggybacking.” This referrs to a method of integrating business in an alliance with one another to produce maximum amount of profits for two businesses in a conservative way. Think of a McDonalds in a gas station (7-11).

Basically, I thinks its highly important to first help new clubhouse members to discover their Friday night essence 1st.

Then, with a string business alliance within members, we play match-maker between members who can help each other values with membership/community. If there is noone in the clubhouwe region to help a particular member realize their essence, then those who can within the atea should be tsrgeted for new membership and duly noted (2nd).

Every clubhouse director should have a plan in place to add value to the lives of member through this value creating way. As members network with others within their area, vakues are created-lives are changed, drawing more interst to the clubhouse and its members. This would be the 3rd piece to my puzzle; the values created for members “piggybacking” their similar Friday night essence – through their local clubhouse, will produce jobs. Local economies would see the difference. The drawback – you would need to replace door hinges on clubhouses regularly due to the flood of new member wearing them out.

In essence; piggybacking works fast and efficiently in business. Can be used effectively with a local clubhouse business/essence alliance. Will create values for all involved, making us stronger and closer to our ultimate goals.

Much love to all, enjoyed the call, mark