Monday, February 24, 2025

A Surprising Common Denominator in a Dishonest Society is the Absence of Technology

You will probably wonder what I could be saying with this title in a day as ours with so many technological advancements and electronic gadgets.

I was reading in the SOS Powers book, pg. 393 this description of what technology represents.

Paraphrase,” The Neothink Process ” is a NEW TECHNOLOGY based on fully integrated honesty. “New” means never before discovered, never before identified.

“Technology” means the APPLICATION OF KNOWLEDGE. “Fully integrated honesty” means HONESTY THAT IS BASED ON CONTEXTUAL FACTS AND OBJECTIVE REALITY, and applied in every dimension, every facet, and every moment of life.


Therefore, this mental breakthrough, “Neothink”, is a new system of knowledge that self-contains the knowledge of applicaton or two which the knowledge of self-applicaton is integral. And Neothink contains, integrally and integratedly, philosophical, psychological, and scientific knowledge.

In Summery Neothink is the mental technology of operational thought, and decernment of reality based evaluations of all areas of understanding and knowledge bases. Conclusions are only based on objective honesty; this objective honesty is in reality FULLY INTEGRATED HONESTY. Seeing Through Illusions…

Fully integrated honesty cannot operate where falsehood is thriving. Falsehood thrives when dishonesty is presented as truth and then is propagated in a society that chooses to believe lies “illusions” rather than factual reality.

If you allow yourself to see the truth, the truth will set you free. Dishonesty sets up boundries based on limiting ideas. Fully integrated honesty opens up a vast array of possibilities that allow civilizations to thrive and flourish into a highly conscious, and civilized culture.

Today, Neo-Cheaters propagate lies and present them as truth. They present limiting ideas which are presented as truths so that people will not learn individualistic conscious thought leading to insightful decernment.

Therefore, in a Anti-Civilization World, machines run the man and not the man running the machine. What is that Machine? Dishonesty… Dishonesty is the common denominator in the World of lost consciousness.

Ms. Annabelle said to herself, “Just imagine the accomplishments that can be made with the advancement of technology that these children will bring into the world as fully integrated honest individuals.”

The common denominator leading to your inner God Man – is to become mystic free twenty four hours a day. Page.136. Mystic-free man is God Man.

God Man = Fully Integrated Honesty using integrated thinking.

Anti-Civ Man = Fully Integrated Dis-Honesty – inability to reach the higher conscious due to dependence on lies and illusions.

This would have been too long to say on the phone with *2, so it is a good option to have this site to post on. As I read Mr. Hamilton’s books I am always amazed and alittle daunted at his intellectual abilities…

Thank You