Saturday, February 22, 2025

Justice is Blind

HBD Jackie (belated). I enjoyed the share, at times character reading. What a wonderful way to re-read Miss Annabelle’s story – which I had been wanting to do. I’m loving a night of the week each devoted to some aspect of TVP world and the literature – baby steps, repetition, community, possibility.

false justice, egos, unearned power/ego, gun-backed justice, subjective justice all bad. Sadly our world.

Justice is blind. objective. we must set aside biases and emotions and stick to the facts.

I like the “higher power”/god man/serendipitous moment when Sue opened the F.R. Wallace literature and was guided to blind justice info. We are always guided if we listen. All information is there and available.

I love being reminded of immutable rights. we all have them! we must return to a world where they are honored. We’ll build it.

lastly, i loved what Sue said align/agree or resist/react. it’s good to be the impartial observer. detached from outcome. more power in that stance to influence either side.


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