Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mark E. My Integration ( Fallowing Our Dreams Come Ture As Miss Annabelle’s Children did)

Hello Dearest Mark Hamilton, Daren Rasken, Jaquie Browne, Families and All Friends and are Pets:

This is Mark Escarcega, 9/1/2011. The time is about 8:15 P.M. PST. Just want to say there’s so much a person can do with all the Mentor Meetings and everthing else on the Neothink Web Site’s. A very fast person can do a lot to support and help all of us.

What I feel I need to do is just listen and participate with the Mentor trainings. I still have to finish up some of the previous trainings because I started June 6th and missed one extra lession so far and I need to read alot. My plan is to start with a full year of this Mentor Training and do the best I can, staying focused on doing an excellent job.

When I finish, I should be able to continue with living all my dreams come true without to much of a overwellming problem.
Let me say, when you lived all your dreams come ture, that’s not the end, you do not start dieing. All you do is continue, keep building and re-building, forever.

You end up with such great treasures in your heart and mind that you want to scream out to the world, go this way please and you will be promised eternal most beautiful, love and life in every way that grows and never dies. !Ho, I have to remember, we each have our own way to Eternal life, Love, Happiness, peace, It’s deep in each of our hearts.

I just hope and pray we all find it as I have. Once we all do find that path, all our lives should be much more safer and better off on this Earth, for all peoples.(This is how I define all my dreams come true) When you find your Kingdome of heaven here on earth as it is in heaven, Your Bliss, Your paradice, Your Garden of eden, All your dreams come ture. In heaven and on earth or should I say in the Conscious Cosmos and on Earth. Anyway it will be at both places at the same time.

Come on now I have lived that life, so I know all of you can too. (I’m not so smart or sophisticiated yet I created all my dreams come ture for most of my life.) I barely have a few college credits and worked a lot more then I went to school, yet I live them all come true. Desaster struck my life but I never asked for it, I never wanted it, so I just won’t except what evil thinks it got away with.

My duty is just to heal it, I didn’t committe the a deadly evil acts, so I should not be the one who has too be made responsible. I’m only responsible for making sure the monsters don’t get away with it and it is my responsibility to not allow the evil to continue. So I just keep seeking healing.

But that’s all are responsibility in all our lives, too not allow evil to continue harmming our lives. God bless all of you as you Mentors and Students continue to teach me in these Mentor Meetings. May your God-men lead you and guide you always too grow into the C. of U. World.
Live your dreams come ture in your hearts and minds and bring them all out so we can all enjoy them with you.

We love you and thank you for helping to build a most beautiful world for all of us together.
Yours truly;
Mr. Mrs. Mark and Susan Escarcega Strain or Mr. Mark Escarcega


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