Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Integration (Madom Presedent Jill R. Was Absolutly Right)

Hello dearest Mark Hamilton, Daren Raskin and Jacqui Browne, Families and all Friends and are pets:

This is Mark Escarcega Again, Thursday 8/25/2011. Madom Jill Reed, said that most old people want to die. They want to leave us, and do you know why? Because they see that the whole of civilization here on earth is extreamely imature and brutal. They see the worlds people trying to save themselves by trying to prove how much better they are then their other people, how much better one group is then the other, how much one family is better then the other, how much one brother is better then the other, how much better these family members are then the others; all in one way or the other, in the name of being very good and civilized people too save the world and their lives.

The problems is that when they get hungry for purest power, they always end up with a sort-of-speak Bucher knife in there hands to prove it, against someone else or some other group, or some other nation, or the world. We or anyone else cannot do that and expect to servive it. That cannot work, we only think it dose, until we all find out that it cannot work.

There’s only one way to save us, and bring us all into the C. of U. World. (WE HAVE TO PUT THE DAM PUCHER KINFE AWAY FOR GOOD, THAT WILL NEVER DO IT FOR US OR ANY OTHER PEOPLE SEEKING TO ENTER A C. OF U. WORLD.) We who are seeking to live in a C. of U. World, must consider are neighbor, are family member, are other nations or other peoples, as being ill if they are going in the opposit direction of healing for all.

We have absolutly no choise in this matter. We have to consider them as being slightly sick, ill or very sick with a disease. We have to forgive all that comes from that disease, and work together to heal all woons, sicknesses and diseases. We do not look for a fight, in hopes to win with a sort-of-speak bucher knife until we kill the ill person or persons, that is not healing human life, that’s murder.

No person on this Earth should be killed when a advanced civilization knows that they are just sick or diseased. We can all work around the sickness or disease until we can heal it by growing/developing the remodies and cures, not by forcing it, or ever being too pushy about it. The faster we bunce together and work around a disease to heal and cure it, the faster it get’s done.

So as we live our lives too live as we were all meant to live, with pure love, happiness, peace and all the desires of our hearts, I am sure we will all make it happen as we work and grow together with Mark Hamilton and the Neothink World. But It will only happen when we put away the Dam killing Bucher Knife for a remady to cure sicknes and diseases. (WE ONLY WORK TO HEAL, PROTECT AND SAVE LIVES. WE DON’T CAHLLEGAN OR FIGHT. WE WORK TOGETHER TOO HEAL BY GROWING/DEVELOPING REMODIES AND CURES, THAT ALL.) When we fight and take up a sort-of-speak bucher knife to win, we loose; that’s It, and it will always be that way.

Yours Truly; Mr. MarkandSusan Escarcega or Mr. Mark Escarcega



  1. Consciousness having id is the cause people can’t identify and integrate reality. When you go to lets say a bar you show your id; your name is Mark. Therefore you are Mark. When people enter the anticivilization at a young age their id is, whatever society has forced you to be. Most ids are silverbacks.

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