Sunday, February 23, 2025

My Integration

This is a wonderful program. The two mentors are fabulous as well as the Mentors on all of the calls.

I am interacting with many other Neothink Society Active Members and learning more about myself and growing to be the person I want to be.



  1. The two mentors highlighted the need for the end to aging and death. In view of all the negative events that happened to my late wife Bonnie, first from when she became diabetic in 1967 and then later in June, 1994, when she went of dialysis, I cannot but agree completely that the twin monsters of disease and death must be eradicated as soon as possible. Her suffering over that period was unmeasurable, despite the claim that her treatment was the most compassionate available. That such things are still possible in an allegedly modern and civilized society is unconscionable. I did my best as home caregiver during her last twelve years. However, in my view she should not have had to undergo any such physical and mental pain at all. Neither should anyone else. Until such becomes the case, I submit that the words “modern” and “civilized” should be stricken from descriptions of our society. I am a published writer and shall make every effort I can through my writings to help end such brutal and barbaric methodologies.

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