Sunday, February 23, 2025

Perspectives on Business – Weighing In

Listening to Mark Hamilton’s vision of how business is pure honesty in action projecting the lifting up of civilizations into social and economic stability at the core represents adding value to every life within the society.

Industry is the manifestation of vision… it is the making of products and services that support life and the living. Today business is an abstract model of this conception… It is not, in reality pure in its intent.

In example,… The man that is shifting products and services oversees is doing a good thing in his position of helping to establish jobs and economic growth in America if he is also sending Americans oversees to exemplify the production of American products in that region… Even this is merely an illusion of doing good for America as the overall impact to the whole of American economic growth is not affected; but rather only a small portion will benefit. Therefore the impact of the greater prevailing loss e.g. unemployment in America is not affected by his actions and so his efforts are unsubstantiated without a product outcome.

Morals play into intent in business….example: Today there is a world wide food shortage, with an estimated 28% world wide food shortage on the rise. FEMA has acknowledged this and is stock piling food commodities in preparation for this occurrence. Big business investors are now investing in commodities in a big way.

They know that with the economical collapse of the economy (manipulated by corrupt bus. practices), the rising costs of fuels, also (manipulated by big business), and the undermining of the American Farmer’s ability to produce viable foods supplies (through GMO seed crops that are killing the fertility of the harvest grounds and heavy taxes), that food supplies will be lessoned, (increasing their value due to lack of supply), that the supplies that are available will not be transported as much as needed, (due to rising fuel costs), and stocking supermarket shelves will become more costly with the continuance of rising food costs which have gone up 5 to 15% is most cases.

Therefore smart business investors are investing in commodities; they are investing on the limited supply and demand statistics of these commodities, knowing this leads to inflated costs for those products. Looking at this you can see that they are investing on the hardships placed on Americans and not on the prosperity of innovative business production and employable solutions for our country as a whole.

The beauty that is pure business seeks to provide the conditions that let individuals fulfill the purpose of life, prosperity and happiness. Today we have just the opposite. There is no beauty in corrupted mindsets and the corrupted business vision of social and economic destruction created by individuals that assist the demise of honest American business. Today our politicians and many elite business individuals are betting on America’s demise. This is what is generated by business practices that bet on failure instead of success. We saw this with the wall street melt down where investors were inspired to invest in junk bonds (insurance policies which guaranteed a return with a major corporation failed) – buy in now they said, protect yourself and then (behind closed doors) let’s bankrupt the corporation and your investment will pay out millions!!

This is the disfigurement of a civilization. I hope that it will be possible here on earth to correct this illogical practice so that mankind will feel the riches of real life, that is REAL LIVING IN HONESTY, INDUSTRY, CREATIVITY, AND LOVE AND SUPPORT FOR ALL.

Today corrupt business practices invent nothing; they give noting a name and call it a product investment… This is not creation…. This is the Anti-Civilization… This is all illusion. I will do what I can in my life to represent honesty in all that I do, think, say, express, and create; in this way I know that I am a value creation through the living of my life.

Imagine what type of world we could have if everyone did the same?



  1. Great integrations Elaine!

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